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Toppers 2023-2024

“Nikita has scored 99% in the board examination. She believes in hard work and leads by example by being steadfast in her pursuit of knowledge. Even in her primary classes, she ensured that she understood each topic in-depth and never left any stone unturned. She has been a diligent student, and this approach reflects her thirst for knowledge and also her unwavering determination. Nikita has scored centum in Mathematics, Science, and History & Civics.”

Nikita Thangavel
Percentage Scored: 99%

“Sachin has scored 98.2% in the board examination. An excellent student who embodies a studious demeanour and commitment to academics. He has been a meticulous student who strives for perfection. He inspires people around him with his strong determination and the passion to excel. He has scored centum in Mathematics and History & Civics.

Sachin Senthilvasan
Percentage Scored: 98.2%

“Ritansh has scored 96.8% in the board examination. He has been with The Brigade School since Nursery. He is a passionate basketball player.  Ritansh is known for his ability to absorb and retain information. He is a remarkable team player. He loves to take part in all school activities. He has scored a centum in Biology.”

Ritansh Rajat Chauhan
Percentage Scored: 96.8%

Toppers 2022-2023

Aditya Prakash

Aaditya is a confident and independent student, embodying the true essence of a well-rounded education. He ventures effortlessly into multiple domains, leaving an indelible mark on his peers. He is a remarkable student who has excelled in academics, sports, and co-curricular activities. He is an all-rounder, showcasing exceptional talent, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. He is an achiever in diverse fields.

His insatiable thirst for knowledge and an unwavering commitment to learning is extraordinary. His intellectual curiosity has led him to consistently achieve top grades in an array of subjects, demonstrating a versatile aptitude across various disciplines. 

His prowess extends far beyond the classroom, he has made a lasting impact on the sports field. It is difficult to match his speed when he sets the track on fire or moves with agility on the football field. With dedication, discipline, and an insatiable passion, he has achieved remarkable feats in multiple sports disciplines in the sports field. His commitment to rigorous training, teamwork, and perseverance has made him victorious in various sporting events. Whether it is on the soccer field, basketball court, or track, Aaditya demonstrates exceptional skill, sportsmanship, and an unparalleled ability to thrive under pressure.

This talented sportsperson is also a brilliant artist and an excellent quiz enthusiast. He has consistently showcased his talents in debating, public speaking & art. With confidence, creativity, and an innate ability to captivate audiences, he has excelled and has been awarded in various inter-school competitions. 

A person of exceptional character and integrity with strong leadership qualities, he fosters a sense of camaraderie and unity among his peers.  Aaditya exemplifies humility, empathy, and a genuine concern for others and never shies away from giving his candid opinions”

Aaditya Prakash
First- Percentage Scored: 97.6%

Swayam is a creative, versatile and multifaceted talented boy. Characters come alive when this brilliant artist portrays them on stage or on his canvas. His effervescent charm and heart-warming smile make him an endearing personality. He is proactive and is good at organising events effectively. His thirst for knowledge and deep interest in learning makes him go beyond what is required in the classroom to explore and master the subject matter. He is an all-rounder with equal expertise in academics and co-curricular activities. He has a deep passion for and proficiency in various forms of creative expression, such as music, art, writing, or design.  Highly imaginative, he explores new ideas and avenues for self-expression. His ability to integrate academic learning with artistic pursuits sets him apart, making him stand out as an exceptional individual with a rare combination of skills and abilities. He is a true Brigadier and an invaluable addition to all the school events and activities.

Swayam Tayalia
Second – Percentage Scored: 97%

Gowtham has been an excellent student and an outstanding boy since childhood. He is ambitious and works towards achieving his goal with strategic planning. He has been punctual in completing any assigned task. He is obedient and complies with all the defined rules of the institution and course curriculum. He takes calculated risks and never fears failing, he is prepared for any outcome. His assets are logical thinking as well as an analytical and thorough approach. He has exceptional problem-solving and decision-making skills. He is highly motivated and driven to set high standards for himself and strives to achieve them through discipline and hard work. A positive attitude and a growth mindset allow him to face challenges and setbacks with resilience and determination. Not only does he excel in traditional academic subjects, but he is also interested in cutting-edge technology, scientific discoveries and innovative ideas. He enjoys debating and quizzing. His friends applaud him for his sense of humour and witty one-liners. Courteous and confident, he volunteers at all our school events and activities. He accepts feedback from teachers for self-improvement.”

Gowtham Krishna K
Third – Percentage Scored: 96.4%

Ved is an ardent football fan, known for his friendly, fun-loving and dependable ways. An excellent team player, he keeps calm in tricky situations. A talented sportsperson, he exhibits good sportsmanship. He has impressed us all with his oratory skills and willingness to participate in all school events.  He remains steady and unwavering in the face of adversity or high-pressure situations. His calm demeanour allows him to approach challenges with a clear mind and a focused perspective, enabling him to make sound decisions and find solutions. While upholding the values of respect, compassion, and empathy, he inspires others to strive for excellence  His polite, considerate nature and graciousness create a ripple effect of goodwill. By avoiding impulsive reactions, he seems better equipped to analyse situations objectively, consider all angles, and find optimal solutions. This rationality, combined with his grace and composure, enables him to build strong interpersonal connections and establish effective collaborations leading to great success.

Chinni Geetha Ved
Fourth – Percentage Scored: 96%
Chinni Ved

“Shreya is confident, lively and vibrant. She is meticulous and an excellent organizer. She is a conscientious and helpful person who has emerged from her shell to become a consistent performer, steadfastly working to reach her goal. Her consistent hard work, tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to excellence have propelled her to success. 

Proper discipline and a good attitude have made her stand out in a crowd. She is self-motivated, dedicated and willing to make the necessary effort to succeed. She is open to feedback and constructive criticism. She is obedient and complies with all the defined rules of the institution and course curriculum. Her inherent charm and infectious smile add to her affability and cheerful disposition. She is an all-rounder who has proven herself in both scholastics and co-scholastics

Shreya Shashi
Fifth -Percentage Scored: 95.6%
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