News & Events / ‘The Youth Today: Confused or Confident’? Mind Space Activity @TBS J.P. Nagar



How about – A Reflexion?

“It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.” ~Joseph Joubert

It was a warm and eventful day. The Brigade School@JP Nagar was a witness to a war of words. The culmination of rounds ofgroup discussions and debates ended with the Symposium… Reflexion, The Face Off.

The topic for the day’s battle of wits was–‘The Youth Today: Confused or Confident’? This is a topic that has plagued the youth for years and may continue to do so for many more aeons to come,either as a passing reference or a seriousdebatable issue.

The session was 35 minutes long. The moderator of the day was Vignesh Iyer, an alumnus of The Brigade School @ J P Nagar, the proud recipient of the Navneethan Awardand an avid debater himself.

There were two teams – The Confident and The Confused. The former was represented by a panel consisting of Yash Sultania (12A), Prita P (11A), and Nia Porwal (12A). We had Saket P Rao (12B), Ezhilan S(11A) and Smriti R(12B) defending the bastion of the Confused Youth. No matter who spoke, the Confident or the Confused, no speaker let their guard down. As an objective observer, one could, like a sponge, absorb opinions for they were not verbose but terse, easy to relate and yes, humorous (Thank you, Saket).

Thunderbolts flew from one end of the dais to the other during the rebuttal round. With such vigour, each competitor vied to get their points across and with precision were the points dissected and analysed like always, the rebuttal round was the most enticing. One thing is for sure though, the stellar eloquence and composure exhibited by the debaters today touched everyone’s minds and gave them a new scope, a new portal to view and consider their decisions.

From the Eyes of a Newcomer
Madhav Menon
Std 11 A
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